Unmute For Sound

Interestingly... Out of all the replies REST was what most people needed!

So, here is your invitation to


REST and Restore Your Energy & Vitatlity

...even if you're the busiest person on the planet!

If you are someone who is always on the go, so much so that you're exhausted by the end of the week, perhaps feeling stressed or not sleeping great. A kind-hearted woman who loves looking after others but gets little time for yourself and you feel that your health or energy level is not as good as you would like it to be, then this Refreshing Self-Care Session is for you.

Sunday 28th July, 1pm to 4pm in Malahide Parish Centre

IMAGINE on Sunday ... strolling in to a really relaxing room, greeted by the sweet scent of essential oils and soft shimmering lights.

As you roll out your yoga mat, making a nice cozy space for yourself, you feel delighted to take this well deserved time out of the busy-ness to reconnect with yourself.

Ready to relax and recharge your batteries, your head rests gently down on your pillow. Peace descends upon you as your mind drifts off into the most beautiful calmness and ease and you know you are in the right place.


If your body is aching, stiff or tired... through gentle yoga stretching designed to release tension and increase flexibIlity, you will feel lighter and looser leaving the session.

If you're struggling to switch off from the ten thousand thoughts tumbling round in your head... practicing mindful moments meditation will calm your mind, leaving you feeling calm, confident and ready to face your week ahead.

If your hands and feet are tired after a busy week... wonderful aromatherapy massage will lift away tension and leave them feeling soft, smooth and like new.

Imagine floating home with a weight lifted from your shoulders, feeling lighter, brighter and better than you've felt in a long time!

For over 25 years, Louise is dedicated to empowering people to transform their health journey. Through her expertise, countless individuals have found relief from injuries, ailments, and overall physical discomfort. By restoring health, harmony, and ease to their bodies, Louise has provided them with the confidence to embrace their well-being for the future and live a happier, healthier, more relaxed life.

Feedback from Happy Attendees

(Just a few from the hundreds of lovely messages and testimonials on file)

You might be thinking...

I'm too busy Louise,

I wish I could go but,

I haven't got the time.

- Hear what Aveen has to say:

You might be feeling...

nervous about going on your own

- just like Maria:

Or you might be thinking...

I'm too achy to go,

I'm not sure I will be able for yoga,

even though I know it will be gentle, that I will be well looked after by Louise and

know I can take it as easy as I need to.

- Like D you're in good hands:

Are you ready to

Say goodbye to stress, tiredness and tension and hello to a relaxed, refreshed You? 

Say YES to taking this well deserved time for yourself so that you can enjoy your journey as a healthier, happier you?

Why wait any longer... Let's make your future lighter & brighter!

Refreshment Is Just One Step Away!

This Refreshing Self-Care Session is FILLING FAST, so to avoid disappointment


Pay Deposit €25 or Pay in Full €55

Revolut: 0879910747 OR

Internet Banking: AIB Bank,

IBAN: IE15AIBK93239645260086 BIC: AIBKIE2D

Louise Tyrrell (ZL Wellbeing)

When paid, please send me a message so that I can confirm your place.

I look forward very much to seeing you on the day!


©2024 StressedToRefreshed.com

All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions

Louise Tyrrell - +353 87 9910747

DISCLAIMER: Information on this site and in our products, seminars and marketing materials is provided for information purposes only and is not meant to substitute the advice provided to you by your own physician or other medical professional. The information provided by Louise Tyrrell and Soulise Retreats or any of their affiliates or employees is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health problem, issue or disease.